
Maria Rogl

Moidele to dinner with Hitler
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
And then he come from, and goes behind the whole series and greets on the side too, and then he comes again as the front. And then he has shown as with the index finger, he has shown in, and then equal to the flugelhorn player says behind me, "Moidele go, because he meant you." No, I say, I do not go to Hitler. Now the music has continued to play again, I of course yes, absolutely trembled've done it. A second time he come and Seiß-Inquart, he had glasses, and there was the Seiß-Inquart with him on the right. Then he showed on the down. Sun After I have done so, to show, "I" - "Yes!" On the other side of Himmler's been, "Yes!" Now of course the chain is risen, and my front men who are standing there, all have said, "Moidele go, this is for you." Then I married erst. I went across the street to the other side where the gate was. Since all SS-men standing outside. All SS. After the door is risen. Then the Seiß-Inquart was inside. He's gone from the top down. The I was subsequently taken. The barrels he has since given an SS man. I can only remember .. I do indeed know of the really not so much. All I know is the most important thing I can tell you more, and then I got into it in a hallway, an infinitely long. And there is the right and left stood the SS bodyguard. These were men with four or five meters, I have met with terrible and shone so beautifully. The men were, as if they had been cast. Thus, the confessed all, beautiful. It has been called, that is the bodyguard of Hitler. After it is over with me there, the Seyss-Inquart. Since Himmler was in, and then we go up a staircase. And then he took me up in a courtroom itself .. Wonderful the great hall of sand host! And as in the horseshoe-shaped table has been set up, met wonderful. I was too young, I was too young, and I have not really taken in me.